Holiday Gifts

Donner's Christmas

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Price: $170.00

Availability: This product is back-ordered; it is unavailable for ordering at this time please come back or continue shopping.

Prod. Code: CR27 invis

Donner's Christmas includes a white or silver Christmas tree topper known as Donner.  Donner's Christmas is a wonderful assortment of gourmet foods with Made in Oklahoma products in the mix. 

Beautiful rounds of Gouda, Cheddar, Tomato Basil

Cookies: key lime, chocolate chip.

Made in Oklahoma products include:

salsa, chips, coffee, mint pepper jelly, dip, cookies, "Rockets" olives stuffed with garlic and jalapeno, and a box of Chocolate melt-aways. 

Includes hand-tied bow, greenry and wrapped in cellophane.

SHOWN AT $170.00  Also available at $190.00 and $225.00.

Local Tulsa Delivery area is recommended.  Quantities Limited