Holiday Gifts

Oklahoma's Finest

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Price: $175.95

Availability: in stock

Prod. Code: FINEL

We have included the finest Oklahoma products for a delicious adventure.

May include such items as Chips and Salsa, Snack Mix, White Frosted Pretzels,  Popcorn, Cookies, Hot Cocoa Mix, Stuffed Olives, Jam, Franks Meat Sauce, Hot Cocoa Mix, Oklahoma Fun Facts about Oklahoma deck of cards, Dip Mix, Teas, Oklahoma Shaped Chocolate, Seasoned Pretzels such as Dill Pickle, Cinnamon Toast, Bacon Cheddar, or premium chocolates from Bedre.

Shown at $175.95

A different basket will be substituted when ordering this gift.

Embellished with a hand-tied bow and wrapped in cellophane.  Another basket will be substituted.


Limited Quantities