Holiday Gifts

Oklahoma Christmas

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Price: $45.50

Availability: This product is back-ordered; it is unavailable for ordering at this time please come back or continue shopping.

Prod. Code: C30 INV

There are only 6 of the "Oklahoma Christmas" Gifts available. They are available for pickup or maybe shipped nationwide.  Corporate accounts may request the delivery of multiple gifts to one location.

The shape of Oklahoma has been cut out of the kraft-style box.  It is filled with Oklahoma-made products.

Gift includes:

Bedre Chocolate Melt-aways

Oklahoma Shaped Chocolate Bar

(2) Biscotti Cookies

Chewy Walnut & Pecan Praline

Fun Size Almond Kettle Crunch

Wood magnet in the shape of Oklahoma.

Coffee (makes one pot)

KiZE protein bar

This gift comes complete with a napkin with Oklahoma Cities.  What a surprise!